Printed Threads and Legacy Merch.

The Eagle Has Landed

At Legacy Merch, we believe in the truth of saying, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ 2020 has been an interesting year for everyone. It hasn’t stopped us from delivering quality merch, keeping our partnerships, working hard, or being free. But we want to go far, and we can’t do that alone. In our industry, it’s good to be friends with other print shops. Call it ‘coopetition.’ We learn from each other, we can get each other out of a jam, and in some cases, we can share business. This is how we go further together. We have decided to continue going further with a shop that has always supported and respected what we do; Printed Threads. Our shops share similar stories, similar cultures, and the same passion for quality and craft. We are not putting our squeegees down; instead, we will continue to push them with our friends at Printed Threads. What does this mean for you, our partner? Here are some of the things we feel you should be excited about, as we are, too.

  • Faster customer service.

     Jake will be joining Justin, Hildy, and Helen, ready to take personal care of your order and help specialize your garments to the most precise detail. You can call or email and receive a quick response.
  • Increased Production Capacity.

    Printed Threads has four large automatic ROQ presses and a very dialed-in production team to print your garments. Their embroidery and finishing department is well established and will make your product special.
  • Full-Service Creative. Printed Threads has a unique creative team that will help you quickly from custom designs and content creation to full branding packages.
  • Full Custom Merchandising.

    Promote your brand beyond apparel. Printed Threads prints banners in-house. Additionally, PT has access to a wide variety of promotional products and are ready to receive any idea you have to make your brand unique.
  • Fulfillment.

    Printed Threads can warehouse your product and handle all of your shipping needs. Your product will all stay under the same roof until it goes out to your customer.
  • Direct To Garment Options.

    If you have an order smaller than twelve pieces, Printed Threads can accommodate it via DTG service!

A rising tide lifts all boats, and we at Legacy Merch are happy to be combining our crew with Printed Threads.